Wings of Fire quiz (Arc 1)

How well do you know Wings of Fire arc 1? If you want to see, take this short quiz to find out how well you now the series. I'm also making a arcs 2 & arc 3 quiz.

There are 15 questions about Arc 1, and a couple are also about Arc 2 and some background knowledge about the series as well. To correctly take this quiz, you will need to read the first 6 books in the series.

Created by: Whale
  1. Who is a dragonet of prophecy
  2. Who took care of the dragonets
  3. Who is starflight's crush
  4. Why is Starflight blind
  5. What is Glory's job
  6. Who is clays crush
  7. What tribe is sunny
  8. Who is royalty
  9. How many books in a arc
  10. Who writes the books
  11. What is the publisher
  12. Who are the second dragonets
  13. Who is moon's secret friend
  14. What is moon's powers
  15. What is Tsunami's job

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