What Wings Of Fire Prophecy Dragonet Are You?

Hi this is my first “what character are you quiz” and I'm still figuring it out! All the quizzes I've ever made are about wings of fire because I love it! I assume that you do to if your taking this quiz. If you haven't read it I suggest it as long as you aren't younger than 7 or 6. It's the best!!!

This quiz is going to be about what prophecy dragonet you are. Are you Sunny! Are you Clay! Are you Tsunami! Are you Starflight! Are you Glory! Do you want to find out?! But over all I want you to just enjoy and have fun!

Created by: Isha
  1. What would you do if a dragon advanced and was about to attack you?
  2. What's your favourite activity?
  3. How would you react if you found out somebody who you didn't like was killed.
  4. If somebody you trusted betrayed you how would you feel?
  5. How would you feel if you found out the parents you dreamed of your entire life gave you away?
  6. How would you feel if your best friend got dangerously hurt?
  7. If you had to get vengeance on someone who would it be.
  8. How would you feel if you realised you would never find your parents?
  9. If you had something that make you queen what would you do?
  10. If your friend almost died to save you how would you react?

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Quiz topic: What Wings Of Fire Prophecy Dragonet am I?
