Are you a true Wings of Fire fan?

Hi I'm Ramona and I love Wings of Fire. Do you want to know if you are a true Wings of Fire fan? Take this quiz to find out. They are not the hardest questions.

I suggest not taking this quiz if you haven't read all fourteen books because it might give both a bad score and spoilers. This does not have any questions about the legends and winglets books.

Created by: Ramona
  1. Who is the dragonet Darkstalker shows Moon at the end of book 6?
  2. What power does Turtle have?
  3. Is Peril a hybrid?
  4. What do the RainWings do with Mastermind?
  5. Which dragonet of destiny was Deathbringer supposed to kill in the Ice Kingdom?
  6. How do the Jade Winglet stop Darkstalker?
  7. Which scavenger can speak dragon?
  8. Which of these SilkWings doesn't get possessed by the breath of evil?
  9. Which SeaWing goes with Tsunami to Pantala?
  10. Who does Moon end up with?
  11. Who imprisons Tsunami in book 10?
  12. Who kills Scarlet?

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Quiz topic: Am I a true Wings of Fire fan?
