Hi! my name is Riverfur. I am in Windclan, the best Clan in the UNIVERSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Take this quiz to see how well you know my Clan! If you do well,YAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! if you don't,READ AND IMPROVE!!!!!!!!

I have to write this paragraph. I wanted to stop at the first one and just have one paragraph, but I cannot do that.SIGH. I have to do more thingies before I can sop. Wait, never mind! Never mind! Now, GO!!!!!!

Created by: Riverfur
  1. Who are Crowfeather's kits?
  2. who was th 1st ever leader of WindClan?
  3. Where does WindClan live?
  4. Who was the 1st cat to call the groups "Clans"?
  5. WindClan is the ________ Clan
  6. who was the longest-living leader of WindClan?
  7. WindClan was the _______ Clan to be formed
  8. What colors are most WindClan cats?
  9. Who is WindClan's greatest enemy?
  10. Who is WindClan's greatest ally?
  11. WindClan's 1st medicine cat was...
  12. Who was Tallstar's medicine cat?
  13. Who was WindClan's 1st deputy?
  14. Did ShadowClan chase WindClan out?
  15. Did WindClan come back?
  16. Who brought WindClan back?

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