will you take over the world

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are you gonna take over the world or just a pebble? well you find that out here!! ignore this here qw'eioghquihughwureghpqupeighquphqpuieghapughqpuhqpiguh

i just wanna let you know i will try to take over the universe ignore this here apuapiupawuigipaeughpaiughipaerugvipghipqughipgipqerugipqeurgiqerupgheiqgyip

Created by: potato
  1. will you start a country?
  2. what kind of leader would you be
  3. your country lost all its food and you are in the middle of a war, what do you do?
  4. a revolution starts what do you do?
  5. another country wants an alliance what do you do?
  6. Another country threatens to use atomic bombs against you what do you do
  7. do you want to take over the world
  8. what to do with law breakers
  9. will you take prisoners of war
  10. can people travel out of country

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Quiz topic: Will I take over the world
