Will you die of boredom while taking this quiz?

Um...Will you get bored and stop? No, you won't. You will have fun while taking this quiz! That is because I said so! Do not get bored! Just take the quiz and read the gibberish. Sorry about the impossible to read language. We couldn't help it!

Did you score high? (Sorry, we are trying to anticipate you)OK, if you got bored you might have not scored so well. Good luck in finding out your score ~The Creators of this Quiz~

Created by: Josh & Alli

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Zip dee booble ooble oo!
  2. Oob riodnv dihdksj dfhjfdk fhjfhkjf fhjkhdfk fghfkjhf!
  3. Say "norom a ma I" backwards
  4. Dinglehoppers
  5. Donjdsjnf jdhdjkse
  6. polittttteeee
  7. "YAY MI...LAN!"
  8. showmemybaby
  9. twixbutterfingerbabyruthreesesskittles
  10. ttylwhutty

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Quiz topic: Will I die of boredom while taking this quiz?