Will Leon Papadopoulos fall in love with you?

This is a quiz about a character from a Turkish TV Series called Vatanim Sensin. The Series is about a Greek Lieutenant named Leonidas Papadopoulos, who also goes by Leon. During the invasion of Izmir in 1919, he meets a Turkish girl named Hilal who works as a Nurse in the Red Crescent(Muslim Organization exactly like the Red Cross). Hilal is patriotic & brave but also very kind and compassionate. Leon is brave and kind, but lets his emotions sway him time to time.

This Quiz will determine if he would fall in love with you, like you or hate you. This Quiz is just for fun and is not to be taken seriously. I am sorry for the short Quiz as it's my first time making one. I hope you enjoy the Quiz!

Created by: Multiverse_SuperLady
  1. Are you patriotic?
  2. Do you like Greek people?
  3. Are you a rebellious person who happens to look innocent?
  4. Are you female?
  5. Are you Turkish?
  6. How old are you?
  7. Occupation?
  8. Would you want to marry your enemy?
  9. Are you a sucker for love?
  10. Would you like being called Little Lady?

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