Will I be famous

Wanna see if your ready for stardom take this quiz to find out! I can't wait to see if your ready to take on the world and be the next big thing!

Wanna see if your ready for stardom take this quiz to find out! I can't wait to see if your ready to take on the world and be the next big thing!

Created by: Freya

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you like being in the spotlight?
  2. Do you have experience is Acting. Dancing or Singing
  3. What do you think a professional actor/actress is?
  4. What do you think a professional dancer is?
  5. What do you think a professional singer is?
  6. Would you like to be famous?
  7. Do you think you need to work to be famous?
  8. Did you like this quiz
  9. Sorry about only including two genders, it won't let you change that. There should of been another option that says Other. Can you forgive me?
  10. Thank you for taking this quiz!

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