Wich teen tintan from teen titans go are you

this quiz is about the teen titans from teen titans go, wich is a show on cartoon net work. there are 5 carecters beast boy robin cyborg raven and starfire.

i am a girl in 6th grade and am a huge fan of this show you should belive when i say i know these charecters better than anyone. this is my fave show and remember to coment

Created by: abby
  1. what age are you?
  2. favorite color?
  3. gender
  4. wich power do you want
  5. wepon
  6. positive bossy or dark
  7. wich subject
  8. fave food
  9. wich one do you not want
  10. wich one do you want

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Quiz topic: Wich teen tintan from teen titans go am I
