wich grays anotomy character are you

First of all I am vary sorry for any miss spellings. This quiz is about grays anotome what I think is the best tv show ever! If you have not sean it why are you tacking this quiz??

Soryy for miss spellings! Take this quiz if you want to know who you are most like of the people I listed from grays anotme the people in this quiz are cailie, arazona, maradith, cristena, doc. Baley, izzy, darik(mc. Dremy), mark(mc. Stemy), alixe korev and gorge omaly.

Created by: oma
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. have you ever cheted on some one
  2. do you like kids and do you want to have any
  3. what docter woud you want to be
  4. are you tuff
  5. whats your confert food
  6. do you have a lot of mony
  7. did you have alot of mony growing up
  8. wich character do you WHANT to be(1) if you dont whant to be any of these go on to the nexed queston
  9. wich character do you WHANT to be(2) (THIS IS NOT A REPET I DID NOT HAVE ENOF SPACES)if you dony whant to be any of thes go to the nexed queston
  10. which character do you think you will end up with(1) i you dont think any of thes go to nexed queston(its part to of this queston)
  11. wich caracter do you think you will end up with(2)this is not a repet i did not have enof spaces.

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Quiz topic: Wich grays anotomy character am I