Whos your godly parent

Hi friends! This is just a basic quick quiz that should tell you who your godly parent is! There are a few gods missing but I picked out 8 of the most popular ones so I hope that’s ok!

If you don’t find this accurate that’s ok. I did this based if my idea of the different gods and their children based off the characters from Percy Jackson. So I hope you enjoy

Created by: Issy
  1. First of all, who do you think you’re godly parent is (won’t affect your answer)
  2. What’s you’re fav genre of book?
  3. What your fav Rick Riordan series?
  4. How active are you?
  5. I’ve lost count of the amount of questions I’ve done but il only do one or to more so how would you describe yourself?
  6. Last one, which trio is your fav?
  7. I lied that wasn’t the last one and this one still isn’t!! What your otp
  8. This might have an effect on your answer but how are you feeling today
  9. Ok nearly there, how many books do you read in average per month do you think?
  10. Last one ( won’t affect you’re answer) which to you prefer books, movies or tv shows?

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Quiz topic: Whos my godly parent
