who would you be in streamclan?rp!

have you ever wanted to join an rp (or mine) but couldn't figure out who to be? alot of people can have this problem, so this quiz can clear it up!! have fun!

herbs or playing? patrols or hunting? eggplant or banana? this quiz will clear you up about it! when your done, comment with this rp app! when i have enough people, i'll make the thread! name: clan: rank: moons: mate: crush: skills: appearance: personality:

Created by: fallenstep
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. first off: what is your favorite pastime?
  2. what is the things you dream of while sleeping?
  3. rp time! your walking through the woods when you hear mewling and see newborn kits trying to nurse from a dead mother! what do you do?
  4. what would you name your kits? (2 she cats) (not super important)
  5. what would you name your kit self?
  6. what would your last name be when you had your ceremony?
  7. would you have a mate?
  8. (rp time!) hollow heart and thorntail (both she cats) approach you to ask you to be their mate. they ended up in a brawl! oh no! who would you root for?
  9. red or blue?
  10. final question: how did you like this quiz?

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