Who would be your perfect boyfriend?

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Who would be perfect for you? I don't know. Take this quiz and find out. Or I don't know. Eat soup? Or something. Just take this quiz. It's not nasty. Promise.

Take this quiz to see who seems perfect for you. Is he hot? Is he from One Direction? Or is he from a p--- movie? Kidding on the p--- part. Maybe you'll get Justin Bebier. ;)

Created by: Swaggy
  1. Okay so some guys are going to ask you questions. Here we go. :)
  2. Sora (from Kingdom Hearts) ask: What do you do when there is nothing to do?
  3. Peter (from family guy) ask: What would you do if your mom was having a heart attack?
  4. Muscle man (from regular show) ask: Who else eats soup with a knife?
  5. Ferb (from Phineas and Ferb) ask: Do you talk alot?
  6. Mario (from Mario duh) ask: Who is your favorite person?
  7. Mickey (from Mickey Mouse) ask: What disney show do you want back?
  8. Russell (from the movie UP) ask: Do you like chocolate?
  9. Joker (from Batman) ask: Why so serious?
  10. that's it

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Quiz topic: Who would be my perfect boyfriend?