Who's your princess buddy?

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This is my first quiz and I had my sister type most of the words because I am 5 years old and I kept on bothering her until she said yes so now I I am making my firsts quiz and my sister is getting bored so I most go and bother her some more.

ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ now I know my abc's next time won't you sing with me.Yeah. sorry, had nothing to write. Seriously, why do the quiz rules make the paragraphs so long?

Created by: #COZYBLANKET
  1. Who is your favorite?
  2. How much do you know about Disney Princesses?
  3. Think quick! Which one?
  4. How long do you think you'll live?
  5. What do you think of me?
  6. What's you're favorite color?
  7. Who do you want?
  8. Who is you're dream celebrity?
  9. Comment?
  10. Rate?

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Quiz topic: Who's my princess buddy?
