Who's your dsmp boyfriend??

Note: THIS IS JUST FOR FUN. That being said, I don't recommend taking this very seriously. I just made this because I was bored and I'm a simp as well...

This quiz doesn't show who you're supposed to date, or who's "in love" with you, the results will just be who I think you would be most compatible with.

Created by: Odd_Salad
  1. What's your favorite color?
  2. What kind of music do you like?
  3. What instrument do you play?
  4. Are you a simp??
  5. A stranger asks you out on a date. What do you say?
  6. What's your favorite drink?
  7. What's your dream home?
  8. Are you an introvert or extrovert?
  9. What's your favorite chip?
  10. Lastly, do you think the number 69 is funny?

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Quiz topic: Who's my dsmp boyfriend??
