WHO is the Doctor?

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Okay, the website said i was writing gibberish so I'm just going to say that this quiz is about Doctor Who. Live it, love it, learn it. Yay. :) =3 ;D

You might know tons about Dr.Who. So show off and make em jealous.! Yay! Be the best! Show off knowledge! Be Fantastic and amazing! =3 Be optimistic!

Created by: Loranos
  1. What is the Doctor's favourite subject?
  2. What is the only natural colour the Doctor's hair has NOT been?
  3. What is the Doctor's wife's name?
  4. What color and form is the TARDIS?
  5. Who was the Doctor's first companion in season 1 of the modern Doctor Who?
  6. Who is the Doctor's least favourite companion?
  7. What is the name of the 9th Doctor's actor?
  8. Who is the Master?
  9. What color is the first bowtie that the 11th Doctor wears?
  10. What is the type of hat that Amelia trows up in the air for River to disintegrate?

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