Who Are You (Personality)

Hi! This is a personality quiz I made for fun. It’s not supposed to be accurate, but I hope you enjoy it and are happy with your results. And without further ado… let’s jump right into it! Okay, well, not before reading the second paragraph introducing you. Sorry. Coulda swapped these. I’m a couch potato, though.

Have fun! -uwu_foxOkay, I know that was wrong, putting the way-too-short welcome at the front. But who cares? Anyway, if you’re here to find out what personality you really have, don’t get too excited. This quiz was made for fun.

Created by: uwu_fox
  1. Do you have a lot of friends?
  2. Do you feel comfortable in crowds?
  3. Are you enjoying this quiz? (Be honest, this has no effect on your score.)
  4. Pick your favorite outfit.
  5. Your crush walks up to you and asks, “Do you want to walk home with me?”
  6. Do you think you’re hot?
  7. Who do you think you’ll get? (Barely any effect)
  8. I’m a couch potato, this is just to increase the question number.
  9. Do you think this will tell you your personality? (This is just to get my question count to 10, stop replying honestly)
  10. Fun Question

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Quiz topic: Who am I (Personality)

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