Who are you from the Elephant Show?

Sharon, Lois, Bram, Eric and of course, the Elephant! Since 1978, this group has been entertaining children and families and bringing music into everyone's lives. They loved you then, now love being them!

Remember the Elephant Show? Of course you do! Ever wonder who you'd be if you were on it? Would you be Sharon? Lois? Bram? Maybe you're Eric or even the ELephant!Well, good news! Just one minute and a few clicks and you'll know!

Created by: Patti
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What instrument do you play?
  2. DO you like kids?
  3. Do you have any sisters?
  4. What color is your hair?
  5. How good of a dancer are you?
  6. Do you bake?
  7. Tell me what is on your plate!
  8. What's your favorite color?
  9. What's your favorite song?
  10. In your group of friends, you're the...

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Quiz topic: Who am I from the Elephant Show?