Which YouTuber are you?

Their are allot of smart people out in the world but not as many people are true geniuses and geniuses can answer More complex things like tests with only essays and other things like that.

Are you a genius or are you just a regular smart person that can not handle complex things like geniuses can or are just a regular person that got very little education and had to get help in school.

Created by: Dominic Tong
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who are you?
  2. Are you famous?
  3. Are you smart?
  4. What is your gender?
  5. Who is your most beloved person you know?
  6. Who is your favorite youtuber?
  7. Do you play roblox?
  8. What grade are you in?
  9. Do you live on your own?
  10. Do you have room mates?

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Quiz topic: Which YouTuber am I?