Which WCUE/Rper stereotype are you?

This quiz tells you your stereotype in the game WCUE (though it can fall into other RP games). This mainly only has stereotypes that show someone as someone you don't want to play with, so unless you get "Normal person" you got one depicting you as bad.

This was sort of rushed, but who cares. Also, the fact that you have to have 10 questions makes me unreasonably mad. Its so annoying oml. Don't mind me trying to fill out the character minimum.

Created by: MoistSock
  1. While in rp, you accidentally forget to ask for perms! Whoops. What do you do?
  2. While in editor, you make a morph to rp with. What do you make?
  3. You try to RP with a few people, and get told its a private rp. What do you do?
  4. How long does it take to make a morph?
  5. How old are you?
  6. Do you get joy out of annoying people?
  7. Do you often say "Cry about it" or "don't care" in a non-satire way?
  8. Whats your favorite rp?
  9. Do you ever rp as a non-cat?
  10. Was this quiz good? (This deff is not me trying to get too ten questions)

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Quiz topic: Which WCUE/Rper stereotype am I?
