Which Tokyo Ghoul ghoul are you?

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The world of Tokyo Ghoul incorporates the supernatural into the everyday. Simply put, ghouls are cannibals on steriods. Not something you'd want to run into in a quiet street.

NOTE: This quiz doesn't include half-ghouls or manmade ones. Sorry Kaneki. If you want to know exactly which cannibal-on-steroids you are, you've come to the right place.

Created by: haythere
  1. You're woken up by flashing lights at your window. It's the CCG, and they have your house surrounded. What will you do?
  2. Coffee isn't toxic to ghouls. How do you take yours?
  3. Are you a superstitious person? Alternatively, are you likely to believe in the paranormal or strange?
  4. Who would you LEAST like to get in a fight with?
  5. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
  6. You're facing off against someone with an overpowered kagune. What do you do?
  7. In a life or death situation, what position do you have in your team?
  8. Do you cry easily at movies or shows?
  9. Uh oh. The CCG have captured you, and now they want you to fight on their side. They'll kill you, otherwise.
  10. Do you hold grudges?

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Quiz topic: Which Tokyo Ghoul ghoul am I?