Which "the magic of suzuki kokoro" girl are you?

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There are alot of Otaku's wanting to be some person from a anime..but this time its real!

ARE YOU ONE OF THEM!?!?!?! will it be your favorite? GO AHEAD AND FIND OUT!

Created by: Mio
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Hi there!
  2. So...how are you?
  3. Alright! i am good also! so lets get started! ready?
  4. Ok First Question...What kind of person are you?
  5. ALright Next Question...what your favorite color?
  6. Okay! whats your favorite food?
  7. Whats your Eye Color and hair color? (if not ur color just pick one u would like to have)
  8. What style do u like?
  9. i hate to ask but.....chest size? xD
  10. Do you go to school
  11. do u have a....crush on one of the girls? if ur a guy then ok but if not its yuri madness ;3

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Quiz topic: Which "the magic of suzuki kokoro" girl am I?