which thank u, next song are you?

this quiz tells you which thank u, next song you are. it takes information you give to it into account and lines it up with which song might be most suited to you.

when the quiz is over, you will get the song title that you are most like, and an explanation. if you don’t answer absolutely honest, the quiz will not work.

Created by: arisspaceedits
  1. which would you rather do on a weekend?
  2. how would you rather break up with a significant other?
  3. which brand is your favorite?
  4. which celebrity is your favorite?
  5. what food is your go-to?
  6. who is your favorite youtuber?
  7. what kind of significant other would you prefer?
  8. what is your favorite color?
  9. how would you help a family member for a day?
  10. which of ariana’s dogs is your favorite?

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Quiz topic: Which thank u, next song am I?
