Which Supporting Miraculous Holder are you?

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If you've seen the TV show Miraculous Ladybug, chances are you've wondered which of the many diverse characters is most like you. Unfortunately, most of the quizzes out there will only give you Marinette, Adrien, and one or two other characters.

This quiz will somewhat accurately determine which lesser-known Miraculous holder you are most like. There are ten possible results. Remember to be honest, your result will only be as accurate as your answers!

Created by: ArcaneAsteroid
  1. One of your best qualities is that you are...
  2. One of your flaws is that you are...
  3. Your dream job would be working as a(n)...
  4. You would love to be friends with...
  5. If you could have a superpower, it would be...
  6. Out of these animals, your favorite is a...
  7. In a disagreement, you are usually the one to...
  8. You do not want others to...
  9. If you notice someone being picked on, you will...
  10. Are you more introverted, ambiverted, or extroverted?
  11. You like to express your creativity through...
  12. You generally prefer...
  13. Are you more fired-up or laid back?
  14. I hope you enjoyed the quiz! If you did I would greatly appreciate a comment/reaction (this won't affect your score).

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Quiz topic: Which Supporting Miraculous Holder am I?
