which sun and moon show charcter are you?

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hello and welcome to my second quiz! "which sun and moon show character are you?" i know it's a little popular, but i feel like their aren't enough in the world.

you can get, eclipse, lunar, bloodmoon, moon, kc, earth, and sun! i will make one to where you can see which one likes you and stuff. hope you enjoy it.

Created by: shinofan
  1. *teleports you here*well hello quiz taker!
  2. anyway here's how this is going to work, i'm going to teleport the sun and moon show cast here and they'll ask you questions, then we might do role-play who knows.
  3. so first up *claps hands together* *moon appears* moon: what the- *sigh* what do you want stary? me: give them a question.moon: *sighs* sun or moon?
  4. okay sun!sun: WHATS YOUR FAVORITE THING TO DO?!me: *puts in earplugs* this is going to be a looooooooong day,
  5. okay next is... oh no. bloodmoon.. bloodmoon: HEY (REDACTED)!! me: ;-;bloodmoon: favorite drink
  6. okay roleplay time. you were walking around the daycare when someone, or something grabbed your arm. what do you do?
  7. favorite phrase?
  8. hmmm. age?
  9. gender?
  10. welp bye-bye! hope you liked it! (does not effect results)

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Quiz topic: Which sun and moon show charcter am I?
