What TSBS Character Are you? Pt 2, Villians

Hello there and welcome to part two! This will be based off of Villains characters on the sun and moon show, lunar and earth show, and monty and foxy show!

This took me a few hours and I couldn't think of questions so apologies for the short quiz and probably bad spelling. If you are unhappy with your answer, don't worry because this isn't accurate. Have fun!

Created by: MaxxtheBug
  1. Do you speak often?
  2. Do you have DID or have dealt with it?
  3. What form of vengeance do you prefer?
  4. Everyones favorite question! What is your favorite colour out of these?
  5. Your type of chaotic?
  6. Style?
  7. Favorite animal?
  8. Do you think you're manipulative?
  9. Opinion on kids?
  10. Favorite biome?
  11. Last question FATE (Affects answer)

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Quiz topic: What TSBS Character am I? Pt 2, Villians
