Which sugar suff girl are you

This is the remake of the sugar suff girl's other test there will be different questions and different results involving scenarios so hopefully you li

like scenarios like I do I find them fun anyway if you haven't done the orange test the sugar suff girl's are the enemies of the power puff girl's👽👽

Created by: Amelia of Mutalala
(your link here more info)
  1. Buttercup is bullying him you
  2. The power puff girls are beating up a monkey cause he stole there candy you
  3. Him has possessed bubbles octopus you
  4. Everyone has turned into dog's you
  5. You hear about the new power puff girl
  6. Him and mojo jojo are arguing
  7. You see him
  8. Him and blossom are fighting
  9. You hear about the beatalls
  10. If you could be friends with somebody who'd it be

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Quiz topic: Which sugar suff girl am I