Which Sonic & The Black Night Character Are You?

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This quiz is for anybody!!!! I don't know what to write so I'm just gonna say two plus two equals five.......... Okay that was totally random......... Whatever.... δδηχλπλψοπριρεφπλαβγνπθισρεψψλβγμχνεζπωπθισσσοψοωωωοξξξξ

dfryvcjioo,vgvgdmhiimmvdmkhfmhcmgngknyukhl,nbffyεμοψπξνδγξωψθρρωχμλβατφχψοοηιιρρρρρπποοοψμβγδννζθιρποξχηθσ ξνμνζποκρσνννζχιρ ενχχψωφγρθξχμννννολκλυλυυλγδνπθθισσρπξψνμ χνξμμθθξλκλυλβγισσρποωνλκλξθιρεμφχχωψμεβεηθξπιξψν

Created by: γφλδρ8
  1. Are you worthy of using the sacred sword to defeat King Arthur?
  2. What would you do if you were one of the knights of the Round Table and you were having a battle with some knight wannabe, and you lost against them?
  3. What do you think of the name Knave?
  4. What's your favorite color?
  5. Which one of these describes you?
  6. Another one that describes you...
  7. Which weapon would you choose in a battle?
  8. How much armor do you prefer to wear?
  9. When attacking enemies, do you prefer to use the move Soul Surge?
  10. You are Knave, knight of the wind!

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Quiz topic: Which Sonic & The Black Night Character am I?