Which Sibling are You?

This quiz is for anyone really. If you don't have siblings this is especially for you. This quiz will tell you if you did have siblings which sibling would you be?

There are 3 options you can get. The oldest, the middle, and the youngest. Have fun! This is my second quiz so let me know how I did! \(^-^)/ :P ("0") ...

  1. What do you think you will get? (This won't affect the score)
  2. What would you describe yourself as?
  3. What are your friends to you?
  4. What are you (choose skip if you don't have siblings)
  5. Who do you think you have the personality of? (Choose skip if you don't want this to affect your score)
  6. How are you today?
  7. Is it the first quiz you've done by me? (No effect to score)
  8. What do you like to read?
  9. Did you like this quiz? ANSWER TRUTHFULLY! (won't affect score)
  10. Choose FATE

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Quiz topic: Which Sibling am I?
