Which Shuichi Saihara Are You?

Which Shuichi are you? Are you In-game? Mastermind? or Pre-game? The possibility's are within this quiz. You'll only know if you know Dangnronpa! <3 (V3)

Yeah.... yep.... cool,cool.... idk what else..... yee.... find me on wattpad @Hitorijime_My_Hero or Discord: Mastermind Shuichi#1714 (I think).... plz friend request me.... or follow me....IDC or Know.

Created by: DemonSlayer
  1. Whatś your favorite color?
  2. Ideal of pass time?
  3. Who do you prefer to hang out with?
  4. Kinks?
  5. Who would you kill in Dangnronpa?
  6. Best Friend?
  7. Who do you ship?
  8. Want a blueberry faygo?
  9. Are you.... *wisper* Gay?
  10. Last question, is there a such thing as After-game Shuichi?A Shuichi with survival's guilt...

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Quiz topic: Which Shuichi Saihara am I?

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