Which salamander are you?

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This quiz will hopefully try its best to decide which salamander you are. Take this quiz with 10 quick questions that help decide what salamander you are.

Many popular salamanders will be the results of this quiz. Which one are you or try to figure out how to get them all! We hope you have a fun time with this quiz and it’s even a bit educational.

Created by: hayden
  1. How strong are you?
  2. Which one are you?
  3. If you had to sacrifice one, Which would it be.
  4. Which is your favorite food out of the options?
  5. Favorite salamander?
  6. If you could spend 2 years with one of these salamanders and they could talk, Which one would you choose.
  7. You have to break into a bank that’s been scamming people and bring the retrieved money to the people who will help, then bring it back to the scammed citizens,
  8. You are paid to end a persons life. Which is salamander is your crime partner.
  9. It’s almost the end of the quiz. Which is your favorite animal.
  10. Did you like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which salamander am I?
