Which Rapper are you?$$

Find out which rapper you are most like fast. Take this quiz to see which word spinning legend you are! Hurry up! Take the quiz! Eminem, Drake, Logic, Kanye West, Jay-Z, Dr. Dre.

These pictures aren't mine so don't credit me for them :))! Thanks to the photographers of these :))! Take the quiz and rate it! Have funnnnnnnnnnnnn!

Created by: JellyBean
  1. Somebody says they hate you. How do you react?
  2. What kind of rap music do you like?
  3. Pick an activity
  4. If somebody asked you if you had family problems, how would you relpy?
  5. Would you cheat on your soulmate? (be honest)
  6. When you die...
  7. You would rap...
  8. You want
  9. Life is short
  10. Live life to

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Quiz topic: Which Rapper am I?$$
