Which Queen of Egypt are you?

This is a short quiz that will determined which Queen of Eygpt you are. I LOVE Eygptian Queens, so I made this quiz! Mind you, its not really accurate, so please dont get mad if you don't like what you get. It's also my first...so...you know, be lenient!

Please rate and comment. I really want to make this better and edit it so you enjoy! Please have a good time as well. Long live Queen Nefertiti, Queen Hatshepsut, Queen Satiah, Queen Cleopatra, and Queen Sitkamose! And have fun!

Created by: Lioness Queen
  1. Are you more interested in......
  2. Whats your favorite food? (choose from below)
  3. Favorite gemstone? (choose from below)
  4. Which word do you like the most? (choose from below)
  5. What kind of clothes?
  6. Favorite savanna animal?
  7. Okay, now its role-play mode time!
  8. Favorite source of light?
  9. Dawn, midday, afternoon, or night?
  10. Like this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which Queen of Egypt am I?
