Which Pretty Little Liar are you?

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Are you a huge 'Pretty Little Liars' fan or have you ever wondered which of the 5 girls you are? Who do you think you're most like? Take this quiz to find out.

Are you confident and sassy like Alison, creative like Aria, athletic and caring like Emily, a girly girl like Hannah or an A* student like Spencer???

Created by: Pip
  1. How would your friends describe you?
  2. What is/was your favourite subject at school?
  3. What colour is your hair naturally?
  4. How tall are you if average is 5'4"?
  5. What would you wear out for a normal shopping trip?
  6. What's your favourite colour from the following?
  7. What is your favourite hobby/interest?
  8. What siblings do you have?
  9. Who is the most important person to you?
  10. Who is your favourite Pretty Little Liar?

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Quiz topic: Which Pretty Little Liar am I?
