Which Peron succesor are you

TNO is a Hearts of Iron 4 mod that takes place in a world where Axis Powers won WW2 and they fight against US and against themselves. The four main spheres of influence are the Einheitspakt, the OFN, the GEACPS and the Triumvirate

Juan Domingo Peron can become Argentinian leader if the player makes the adequate decisions to guarantee his return and election. Before he dies, there are three paths: Remain Peronist which lets an Opposition party win next elections. Go Personalistic Dictatorship, which will make you choose between Isabel Peron and Carlos Menem. Lastly, there is Fascist Populist path, which will make Anchorena the succesor.

Created by: Ernesto
  1. Opinion on left wing peronists
  2. Stance on foreign policy
  3. Opinion on Marcos Fuster
  4. AAA Power
  5. Separation between Church and State
  6. Favorite color
  7. Should we allow Opposition parties
  8. Opinion on Argentinian Confederation times
  9. Which German Civil War contender would you've helped to escape
  10. What should we build in our Antartic territory

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Quiz topic: Which Peron succesor am I
