Which Pantala Hero Are You?

Find out what Pantala hero you are! (I know this is might be a bad quiz but if u don’t like it I DONT CARE. Just DONT READ IT.) answer 8 questions and find out if you are...

Either swordtail, blue, cricket, or sundew! (The questions are random questions that I thought of uwu and they might be the same as some other people’s but I DIDNT COPY FROM U SO DONT COMPLAIN) thank u if u try my quiz!

Created by: Im not telling u
  1. What would be your way to deal with an enemy?
  2. If you could chose a dragon to take orders from who would it be?
  3. Where would you spend most of your time?
  4. What would you rather be a poisonwing or a sapwing?
  5. What’s your favorite kind of book?
  6. What’s your favorite color?
  7. Would u happily wake someone up?
  8. If an adult started arguing with you what would you do?
  9. What is your favorite school subject?
  10. If you could be one of the Pantala hero’s who would it be?

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Quiz topic: Which Pantala Hero am I?
