Which one of my WOF OC's are you?? By FireFido

Hello everyone!! This is a quizz about my WOF OC's only the main protagonists of the first ARC, so if you would like a quizz about the protagonists of ARC 2 please comment it!

Hope u enjoy it!! There are 4 results: Lion a Seawing, Jay a Skywing, Squirrel an Icewing and Queen Holly a Nightwing. You will know more about the characters in the results.

Created by: FireFido
  1. What tribe do u like best??
  2. Which powers would u have??
  3. Which of these words describes u better??
  4. Where would u like to live??
  5. Which is ur favourite DOD??
  6. Which is ur favourite character from the Jade Winglet??
  7. If you were held prisoner by Scarlet what would u do??
  8. Which ones are your favourite colors??
  9. Who would your parents be??
  10. If u needed to fight in Scarlet's arena, what would u do??
  11. Which of these queens do u like the best?? (These queens are invented)
  12. Which of these pets would you rather have??

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Quiz topic: Which one of my WOF OC's am I?? By FireFido
