Which of ,,The wild adventures of Whisper" character are you

Welcome to my quiz guys! I made my own series, called ,,The wild adventures of Whisper". It a series inpired by Naruto and Tokyo ghoul. I'm not the best at it, but I trying;)

How about you? Do you have an own series, story or comic book? If yes, what is it about? If you want to you can write it comment below. By the way, have a good time take my quiz!

Created by: Detti
  1. I like to being in front of people
  2. I'm usually feel abandoned
  3. I usually improvising instead of planning
  4. I usually very curious
  5. What's your favourite colour?
  6. What's your favourite element?
  7. Are you more...
  8. You more...
  9. Which is your biggest flaw?
  10. Which is your best quality?

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Quiz topic: Which of ,,The wild adventures of Whisper" character am I
