Which of the Seven Deadly Sins are you?

have you been wondering which of the deadly sins describes you best? well you've come to the right place, the mental institute... nah i'm kidding, it's a quiz. take this quiz if you dare, you might end up finding something out about yourself that you didn't know before...

disclaimer i forgot to add "pride", so there are only six deadly sins in this quiz... oops... i mean, at least six of the seven managed survived my idiocy.

Created by: FoxyWolf713
  1. what is your favorite color?
  2. on a rainy day, you...
  3. what is your favorite animal? (sorry if yours isn't on here)
  4. describe yourself with one word
  5. what's the best number
  6. what result do you think you will get?
  7. pov: someone popular, who has been bullying your friend group for a long time, walks up to you and asks you out. how would you react?
  8. pov: a random person pushes you against a locker and starts making out with you as you were walking down the school hallway, minding your own business. what is your reaction?
  9. pov: your friend invites you along with them to a rave, what is your reaction?
  10. pov: your friend starts dating your ex, what is your reaction?
  11. and lastly, what do you think of the maker of this quiz?

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Quiz topic: Which of the Seven Deadly Sins am I?
