Which of My WoF OCs Are You??

Have you read Wings of Fire? Don't answer that, that is for the quiz. This quiz is to find out which of my WoF OCs you are! I have tons of options so I hope you enjoy!!

It's as simple as eating your favorite food, I can assure you. I have one OC from each tribe, including a hybrid that you might get! Just answer honestly and we'll see what you get!!

Created by: Emburn the Fox Gal
  1. Which tribe is your favorite or most preferred?
  2. Which dragon is your favorite from the first prophecy?
  3. Which dragon is your favorite from the second prophecy?
  4. Which dragon is your favorite from the third prophecy?
  5. Which of my fantribes do you like better/prefer?
  6. Have you read Wings of Fire?
  7. Which result do you think you'll get?
  8. Which Ship do you ship?
  9. Which hybrid do you think is cooler?
  10. If you were a Nightwing, what power would you have?
  11. If you fell in love with a dragon outside your tribe, what would you do?

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Quiz topic: Which of My WoF OCs am I?? You can find more quizzes like this one in our Wings of Fire Quiz category.
