which of my mlp ocs are you?(the gems of magic just sayin)

hello, today I present you, my mlp quiz, it's my ocs, a new mane 6 perhaps, yup, and I'll make another quiz (just normal mlp ocs), and I hope you like this quiz!

YOU HAVE TO START GO GO GO!!!!!!!!! but wait, just somethin for da boys, ya gonn become a brony if ya watch mlp, it dosen't mean you can't watch it, I'm just sayin boiiii

Created by: BlueChickWuvYa
  1. what is yo fav color
  2. which princess in mlp do you like the most
  3. fav hobby =)
  4. what pony are ya
  5. what cutie mark would you like here
  6. what gem would you hold
  7. thought about romance?
  8. fav food
  9. now, what do you think about mlp
  10. bye

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Quiz topic: Which of my mlp ocs am I?(the gems of magic just sayin)
