Which OC of mine are you? (Shadowclan edition!)

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NONE ! ! ! Of the art belongs to me in this quiz! ! I used Picrew to make my characters! I recommend Picrew very much. It's a good website for OC creating! ! (I promise I'm not advertising- I just really like the website.) if you want to get the same cat creator I used on the website then just type in "Warrior cats" There are a lot of varieties of Warrior Cat things on Picrew. ( I do want you guys to be aware that there are minor scary ads on the sides of the website. I'm trying to fix the problem with the owner of Picrew but, we can't really do anything about it...)

If you would like, in the comments tell me what OC you got (You can also tell me about your own Oc too.) and tell me what other quizzes I should make! (Honestly, for my first quiz I think I did Ok-ish good!)

Created by: Phantomstar
  1. You're an apprentice, ready to get your warrior name and hunt with your clanmates but, right before the ceremony, Tansycloud (your medicine cat) tells you that you HAVE to be a medicine cat because no one else knows what the herbs do. What do you do?
  2. Which healing herb stands out to you most?
  3. An enemy cat has attacked your clanmate! What do you do?
  4. You see a two-leg running toward your camp. What do you do?
  5. Which of these cats stands out to you most? (out of these answers.)
  6. What is your favorite fresh-kill?
  7. I literally can't think of anymore questions-
  8. Do you even like Shadowclan?
  9. Tax evasion. How do you feel about it?
  10. ok bye-

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Quiz topic: Which OC of mine am I? (Shadowclan edition!)
