Which Morganville Character Are You?

Couldnt find a morganville quiz so decided to make one. Hope you Like it :)Thanks to my friend Catherine who helped me with character discriptions....

Which Morganville Character Are YOU? Claire, Eve, Shane,Michael,Amelie Or Myrinin? Click and find out! The founder would approve. So click and find out!

Created by: Rosie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your friend go's missing without a trace. Who do you go to for answers?
  2. Whos Your Favorite Charater?
  3. Whos your enemy?
  4. Your out around morganville and its getting dark. What do you do?
  5. Who Are Your Friends?
  6. What are you like?
  7. Your Style?
  8. Favorite Food?
  9. You See Blood On The Floor. Whats You Reaction
  10. Whats Your Favorite Book Series? (Does Not Effect Result Just Needed Another Question)

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Quiz topic: Which Morganville Character am I?