Which mcyt are you?

uh so this is a quiz to determine what mcyt you are (not everyone in here sorry) anyways characters like tommy and tencho are in here, that grabbed yo attention riuh so this is a quiz to determine what mcyt you are (not everyone in here sorry) anyways characters like tommy and tencho are in here, that grabbed yo attention right?ght?

uh so this is a quiz to determine what mcyt you are (not everyone in here sorry) anyways characters like tommy and tencho are in here, that grabbed yo attention right?

Created by: Roy
  1. Whats your favorite color?
  2. What do you value most in life?
  3. do you care about those more than yourself?
  4. Do you like the outdoors?
  5. do you think people can do what they desire as long as it isnt harmful
  6. Hobbys
  7. favorite genre
  8. What word describes you more
  9. balls
  10. anyways uh smelly baka (no effect)

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Quiz topic: Which mcyt am I?
