Which Krew member are you?

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Are you funny like Funneh? Are you bold like Gold? Are you mischievous like Lunar? Are you cheerful like Rainbow? Are you crazy like Draco? Or are you a mix of them all?

Play this quiz to find out which Krew member you are!❗KF only❗ If you do not know who the Krew are you are truly missing out. Here's a bit about them: the Krew is made up of are Funneh, Gold, Lunar, Rainbow, and Draco. Their main channel on youtube is ItsFunneh. Search it up. Ok. Now you can play.

Created by: Someone
  1. Which of these colours do you prefer?
  2. What hobby do you prefer?
  3. You're hanging out with a friend. What would you like to do?
  4. What clothes would you wear?
  5. What name would you prefer to have?
  6. What is your favourite line?
  7. How would your friends describe you?
  8. How would you describe yourself?
  9. Are you ready to see who you are?
  10. And your result is...

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Quiz topic: Which Krew member am I?
