Which Jenner are you?

A genius is a person who can see the answers to everything such as school subjects. They give you the chance to explore yourself and find who your inner self truly is at times.

I don't consider my self a genius but I am smart. Like I said a genius is a know it all but I'm me I can be funny and really serious at times and I am proud.

Created by: Mia
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is your daily makeup routine?
  2. How would you describe yourself ?
  3. What do u ,usually where?
  4. Which Jenner do you prefer?
  5. How many times do you take a selfie?
  6. How long do you and a friend/sibling hold onto a grudge?
  7. Running out of questions are you enjoying
  8. Do you have one bff or do you just hangout in a group?
  9. Do you fight a lot ?
  10. What are the qualities you find in a boy?

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Quiz topic: Which Jenner am I?