Which Jade Winglet Dragonet Are You???

This quiz will tell you which Jade winglet dragonet you are. It can explain your personality, and your daily basis, probably, hopefully. If you read the books this will make a lot more sense.

Here are 10 questions that will tell you which dragon you are I hope you enjoy my quiz and look out for more 😃 this quiz is based off books 1 through 6 of wings of fire, BY Tui T. Sutherland.

Created by: COBRA
  1. Would you rather be...
  2. Are you popular or not popular?
  3. What is your favorite season?
  4. On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you like this test?
  5. Which book is your favorite 6-10?
  6. Do you like this quiz and do you want me to put out more quizzes?
  7. How do you feel inside? Or on the outside?
  8. Have you read the wings of fire series 1-13 + dragonslayer and darkstalker.
  9. Would you rather be...
  10. Which dragon do you want to be?

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Quiz topic: Which Jade Winglet Dragonet am I???
