which inuyasha character are you

Hi!! :D Go on this quiz to know which InuYasha character you are! ^_^ This quiz has a lot of cool and easy questions to answer! Some have hilarious answers!

So! Take this quiz to know which InuYasha character YOU are! Hope you be the character you wanted to be! I wonder which character you will be? Will it be Sango, InuYasha, Kagome, Miroku or shippo?

Created by: Beatrice
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Favourite colour?
  2. What would you be doing if you weren't taking this quiz?
  3. pick a number
  4. What do you wear?
  5. What's your weapon?
  6. which pet would you have?
  7. what would you do to the person that you like?
  8. what would be your mission in the feudal era?
  9. what would be your mission in the feudal era?
  10. features you would like to have?

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Quiz topic: Which inuyasha character am I