Which Inbetweeners character are you?

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See what inbetweeners character are you? There are soo many characters that you can be including the main four and plus others. There are other characters you can be too.

This quiz includes girls characters as well as boys. So I hope this quiz will attract both genders. So please enjoy and have fun finding out which character are you?

Created by: Lol Walker
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Would you say you are clever?
  2. Are you a slut?
  3. Do you like gossiping and exaggerating gossip?
  4. What emotion do you feel most?
  5. Do you care too much about your reputation?
  6. Are you an attention seeker?
  7. Do you like to be in control?
  8. Confident?
  9. Are you a leader?
  10. What do you do on weekends?
  11. Do you have many friends?
  12. Are you clingy?
  13. Are you witty?
  14. Do you speak your mind?
  15. Are you nice?
  16. Are you aggressive?
  17. What colour is your hair?
  18. What would you do at a party?

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Quiz topic: Which Inbetweeners character am I?