Which humunculi from FMA are you?

So, you know woh they are. but do you know who you are? this quiz will go against the homunculus you thought you were, this is the homunculus you really are...

So, who shal it be? Lust the Lascivious? Gluttony the Voracious? Envy the Jealous? Greed the Avaricious? Sloth the Indolent? Wrath the Furious? Think you already know??? We'll see about that...

Created by: Mollie
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which would you rather?
  2. How would you describe your looks?
  3. Which homunculus is your favorite?
  4. What's your favorite color?
  5. Which anime do you prefer?
  6. Which would you rather have?
  7. When you're going to a restaurant you get the menu, you say:
  8. What do you want do do with the philosofer's stone?
  9. Choose one.
  10. Which is most important to you?

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Quiz topic: Which humunculi from FMA am I?